How I won $10K for content creation

If you've been on Pinterest as long as I have, you know it's more than just a collection of "aesthetic" pictures; for me, it's a place where creativity, inspiration, and community come alive.

My journey with Pinterest started over a decade ago. I remember working in a newspaper in my country, El Salvador. I used to check on Pinterest several times a day to re-pin things I liked, build my boards, and save thousands of pins of "street style" that was trending around that time. Not many people used Pinterest ten years ago, and still, now, it feels the same. I don't know why I was so attracted to the platform, but I fell in love with it and still am.

I have also been a long-time beauty and makeup obsessive, so creating content, even ugly content, on Pinterest was essential for me around that time.

In 2018, I moved to Canada, established myself, and started working the corporate ladder like everyone else. I didn't have much action on Pinterest until 2020 when I began to pin again.

I also began creating content, photography, etc. I became a content creator and started working for brands in the US and Canada.

The Pinterest Creator Fund

When Pinterest announced the Creator Fund's launch in Canada, I was excited. I knew the platform inside out and had been waiting for an opportunity like this. I applied with high hopes, but nothing happened that first year.

I wasn't even disappointed when I received the reply that I wasn't selected because I felt I wasn't good enough or lucky enough to win something like this. People like me or who look like me never get the good stuff. It wasn't because of the money but because of what it meant that a company that represents so much to me could consider my work.

Fast-forward to 2023. Pinterest announced another round of the Creator Fund, this time focusing on sustainability and minority creators. As a Hispanic content creator, I've always been passionate about sustainable and clean beauty, so I knew this was my moment.

But I had one issue: Nothing came from my brain, and I didn't know where to start. I wanted to say so much about what I do and more.

So, don't judge me, but I turned to ChatGPT for help.

To make my application, I created a clear, short, and concise foundation. Here's a piece of what I wrote:


Pinterest Application

I'm excited to apply as a content creator on your platform. As someone passionate about promoting eco-friendly and ethical brands, Pinterest is the perfect platform to share my knowledge and inspire pinners to make more conscious choices.

My content is about beauty but also has a sustainability focus. I try to feature clean products from underrepresented brands that innovate in packaging, zero waste, and have clean ingredients.

I'm Hispanic and offer a perspective that is not commonly represented. I am passionate about my content and dedicated to growing my presence on Pinterest, and I'm looking for support from the fund to elevate my voice on the platform.


After a few weeks, I received the email that I had been selected.

I had never won anything this significant, especially from a platform that means so much to me.

Winning $10K wasn't just a financial boost; it validated my hard work and dedication. I also received support from the Pinterest team, weekly training sessions, and an invitation to visit their headquarters.

Pinterest HQ

Pinterest HQ, Toronto

Visiting Pinterest's headquarters was the best thing ever! I will never forget that experience. I toured the entire office, had lunch, and got goodies! Here is a video tour.

I was also invited to meet other creators, learn from the best in the industry, and network with different brands, which was invaluable.

The Pinterest team provided insights into getting the most out of the platform's potential and offered personalized guidance on best practices. This experience not only expanded my network but also helped me to get more new creative ideas.

How you can do it, too

Here are some tips that helped me to be selected and could help you if you are a content creator and want to apply:

1. Align your content with fund goals: Customize your application to match the focus areas of the Creator Fund. Highlight how your content supports their values.

2. Showcase your unique voice: Authenticity is key. Share your story, your background, and what makes your content unique.

3. Be persistent: Don't be frustrated by setbacks. Keep improving, keep creating, and keep applying. Persistence pays off; I know it.

5. Leverage your background: If you belong to a minority group, like me, highlight how your perspective enriches the platform and connects with a diverse audience.

6. Use available tools and resources: Don't hesitate to use tools like ChatGPT to refine your application or other content. This type of tool can provide a strong foundation upon which to build.

What's Next?

Winning the Creator Fund was a dream come true, but it's just the beginning. I'm considering launching a downloadable guide for content creation, sharing the strategies and tips that have helped me and that I currently apply. What do you think?

If you enjoyed this article and want more content creation tips, please share this post and leave a comment below. Your support means the world to me!

Stay creative, and keep pinning!